Low bandwidth

One of the biggest and most important lessons that you better learn swiftly when living in West Africa is to be flexible.  Most days I do a pretty good job of embracing the WAWA (West Africa Wins Again) moments, but some days it is just too much.  I love that God is over the WAWAContinue reading “Low bandwidth”

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Ok, not really these animals but it felt like it and I found myself singing this out loud as I tried to enjoy a quiet early morning time with the Lord.  One of my favorite things since moving to The Gambia is to get up early and go sit in my backyard rocking chair underContinue reading “Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!”


I am back online after a few weeks of a wonderful vacation in the urban area of The Gambia. My time of vacation was exactly what I needed and was filled with lots of sleep, time with the Lord, relaxing reading, ocean breezes and sunshine (even though it is rainy season, there was little rain).Continue reading “Sunshine”